[Download.fHUx] Recursive Macroeconomic Theory (MIT Press)
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Book Details :
Published on: 2012-08-31
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Original language: English
Recursive methods offer a powerful approach for characterizing and solving complicated problems in dynamic macroeconomics. Recursive Macroeconomic Theory provides both an introduction to recursive methods and advanced material, mixing tools and sample applications. Only experience in solving practical problems fully conveys the power of the recursive approach, and the book provides many applications. This third edition offers substantial new material, with three entirely new chapters and significant revisions to others. The new content reflects recent developments in the field, further illustrating the power and pervasiveness of recursive methods. New chapters cover asset pricing empirics with possible resolutions to puzzles; analysis of credible government policy that entails state variables other than reputation; and foundations of aggregate labor supply with time averaging replacing employment lotteries. Other new material includes a multi-country analysis of taxation in a growth model, elaborations of the fiscal theory of the price level, and age externalities in a matching model. H28 - TOKYO TECH OCW ; 1: : ... The Narrative Machine - Salient Todays note begins a new chapter in the Epsilon Theory project by demonstrating a set of tools for observing the invisible network of strategic communication and ... Thomas J. Sargent - Wikipedia Thomas J. Sargent; Born July 19 1943 (age 73) Pasadena California U.S. Nationality: American: Institution: Hoover Institution University of Minnesota 2016 Online; : S1S2: : Microeconomic theory / Andreu Mas-Colell Michael D ... Mark W. Watson: Publications and Replication files Publications and Replication Files. For selected articles the replication program and data files (.zip files) can be downloaded by clicking on the link following ... economics facts information pictures Encyclopedia.com ... Economics. The methodology of economics. The functions of an economic system. Money income and the price level. Subfields of economics. Organization and growth of ... Recurrence relation - Wikipedia In mathematics a recurrence relation is an equation that recursively defines a sequence or multidimensional array of values once one or more initial terms are given ... Resolve a DOI Name Type or paste a DOI name into the text box. Click Go. Your browser will take you to a Web page (URL) associated with that DOI name. Send questions or comments to doi ... Faculty Profiles - Economics - Simon Fraser University PhD Western Ontario. Research Fields: Dynamic General Equilibrium Theory; Macroeconomics; Labour Markets; Monetary Theory. - 7th Edition. Prentice Hall 2010. 639 p. ISBN-10: 0136114520 ISBN-13: 978-0136114529 Abel Bernanke and Croushore present macroeconomic theory in a way ...
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